THAT is our Moonshot for 2021 
Abundance for All

This is, in fact, our dream for many years and we ask ourselves: WHY is this, even working with SPURT, not yet happening?

We were listening to Naveen Jain, who wrote MOONSHOT. See a very inspiring video

He explains that the most significant problems are solved by people outside the business. People who ask completely different questions. People who are open to all and any solution. 
In his own companies, Moon Express (making living on other planets possible) and VIOME (making chronical diseases optional) he is not the expert. He is teaching us to not ask experts. He starts any problem with the question WHAT IF, and IMAGINE. We think he is right.
Almost all people we speak about SPURT are only talking about an exchange. You and me, lay-people, are addicted to the idea that USD, etc., is the only value in the world. If we ask anyone how we can provide Abundance to All, the answer is ALWAYS: by exchange.

Do we realize that when you speak about an exchange, you in fact, say, I do not want SPURT, I want something else? WHAT IF there would BE nothing else? WHAT IF you have to choose, SPURT or nothing? What would you do to give it value?

So, now we ask ourselves the question, are we asking the right question? “Why is ABUNDANCE for ALL, with SPURT, not yet happening,” 

Should the question be: WHY DO WE NEED MONEY?

You might say you need money to buy things we need to live. But that is not the correct answer. Because for many years there was no money, and we could live fine. Yes, we understand that money replaced gold because it was too heavy to carry with us, but why should money be what we call “fiat currency,” which means, issued by a government. Why should we not be able to give as much value to a local currency?
There are thousands of local currencies worldwide, which are, with great success, uplifting communities. WHY are local currencies successful? Because the money stays within the system, and people can pay each other for their services.

SPURT can perfectly be used as local currency. Why is it not in the hands of millions and millions yet? Why cannot millions of people live a decent life instead of in poverty? We strongly believe that that is why we have SPURT, to make it possible for millions to have a better life.

So, let us ask the right questions!

We need money to trade with each other. SPURT is perfect to trade with each other. It is easy to transfer.

Some groups of people 100% believe in SPURT and do not even want to speak about an exchange. We are very grateful for those people putting all their efforts into accepting SPURT locally and even for the country. What can we learn from them?

When we ask people: Why don’t you use your SPURT, they always answer, because you cannot exchange it. But that was not the question. On the question: Why you don’t use your SPURT, the answer could be: because I do not know how or where.

Then the question would become: WHAT IF you knew how you could use your SPURT?
IMAGINE a world where you can use your SPURT freely! IMAGINE that!


It would be a wonderful world! It would be the world of ABUNDANCE WE dream of. And YOU?

We are convinced that if we ask the CORRECT question, the question that would open the ROOT CAUSE of why SPURT is not used, we could solve the problem.

What do YOU think that question should be?

Naveen is challenging us to ask people who do NOT fall back to the old thoughts of solutions they already have, exchange, to ask the RIGHT questions. People outside the business. It does not matter if it looks like a dumb question. There are no stupid questions. There are only dumb answers.

So, our question to you for 2021 is: WHAT IF you knew how to use SPURT? What would you do?
OR please think of a question yourself that can help us find the ROOT CAUSE of the problem. Think out of the box. Do NOT think in the terms you always thought of already, like exchange.

Perhaps we can think like those USING SPURT already. 😊

Local currencies are used over the whole world. SPURT can be used all over the world.

Let us BELIEVE in those setting up local communities, areas where they use SPURT. ALL of us can do that locally or perhaps have an organization we work with who can set it up in their part of the world.

We see that where SPURT is used, governments get interested. Communities are using it. We are very grateful for those people who are pushing the use of SPURT.

WHAT IF our problem is that we concentrated on the wrong question, how can we exchange, instead of HOW CAN WE USE IT!

Please send your questions in the form of "WHAT IF" or "IMAGINE". And ask with a BEGINNER’s mind. Forget what you thought until now.

We wish you an ABUNDANT New Year and Merry Christmas.

The MySPURT Team

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