Five Years of SPURT. We need to follow our vision

Today I read: I do not perceive my own best interest.

That is true in many cases in our lives. But the sad thing is that we think we know our best interest. We think that disagreeing with another person is helping us. We think that being a bully is making ourselves greater. We THINK that looking down on a person with another color is “normal” or even good.

If you read books like: “Touching the Jaguar”, from John Perkins, a must-read book, you realize that we are now reaping what we were sawing over the centuries. Great countries are not great anymore, because their country is divided. On purpose. Families are divided, friends are lost.
Covid19 is the expression of the virus we have in our minds: ME first, I don’t care if you live or die. Covid19 is felt the most by poor people. We cannot live in a you-OR-me world. We can only breath and love in a you-AND-me world.

The you-OR-me world is a sad place, but there is hope!

Out of this all arose the call that we have a CHOICE! Hundreds and thousands of people, millions over the world are joining to let go of hate, suppression, and separation worldwide.
Will that happen overnight? Probably not! We must be aware of that. We need to train our children because we learn all our unconscious patterns before we are 7 years old.

One of the things that gets clearer and clearer is that the monetary system is failing. Yes, for many it is good, and they grow richer, but we NEED an alternative, and that is found in the thousands of complementary currencies, local currencies, all over the world. The good thing of SPURT is that it can be a bridge from one complementary currency to the other, because we are all over the world, and are in Ethereum.

All who do not want to work with their communities, or can’t, could work with the  MySPURT TimeBank, or can use the options offered in the Newsletter from 15 July 2020. But those who have a heart for CHANGE, please look at what we have!

We lost our vision, do not lose yours!

We admit that we were distracted from our vision, to make SPURT the platform, all over the world, to support people. It is a great relief to realize that we still can change this.

We need to ask ourselves: What do we WANT? If our WHY is big enough, we can do ANYTHING! Here you find a very motivating video to find out what you WANT, by Rita Wilson.


We see it in Zimbabwe, where also the need for exchange poisoned the minds of the people. The waiting for exchanged paralyzed them, and put all on hold. Now that they see the need that SPURT is there to do business now already, even if it is small, even if it is only daily things, there is money left for other things. We can start Cooperatives, where all can profit if they work together. The LOVE for what the people produce, or the services they offer is most important.

Zimbabweans spread the good news of SPURT to South Africa, where now more and more people are inspired to make beautiful things and do farming, all to receive SPURT and being able to use it to buy from each other. It is incredible what one inspired woman can do! You see that also in other cities of Zimbabwe as the one we started. ONE person can make a difference and you can too!

We heard that in an area all people started to make a road. There was no payment, but they are singing while they build, with their hands, the road. We are so proud of these people, that we offered them SPURT, so that they can buy their vegetables from the farmers.

We need to change perception!

We need to come away from the idea that only USD is the best! It is NOT and you can see it because there is so much poverty in the country of that famous currency. We need to awaken from the dream, for this dream has become a nightmare!

John Perkins is showing what USD can do. It is showing that we are in the middle of the nightmare and, at the time he wrote that book, there was no polarization as it is now and no Covid19 yet!

We NEED to come CLOSER to each other. We need to EMBRACE each other. We need to work TOGETHER, for only as we realize that we are all ONE, we can not only survive, but also thrive.


In Ecuador great things are happening because some people there did not give up. They did not speak about exchange. They only spoke about, “how can we USE SPURT”?
That mentality is showing that these people are more than ready to stop the nightmare going on right now. They are willing, as now also in Zimbabwe, to shift the perception from we need something ELSE, to we have all we need already.

Is the need to have something else not the sickness of this world?

We need more, more, another this, another that. We do not see the beauty of the flower in our garden, for the flower in the garden of our neighbor is nicer. We do not see the value we have in our SPURT accounts and mourn over the IDEA we had that it needs to be different. It is like saying, I am starving, feed me, and when you receive a potato you say, I want something else. I am convinced that when we start to believe in SPURT and work with SPURT, we will get all the help we need to proceed. We just lost our way.

Let us change our perception!

We need to pray that our perception might be changed and lay that prayer on the altar, so that our perception can be altered.

Let us go back to what we HAVE and start to look for SOLUTIONS instead of problems. If you cannot do that, you might want to choose the other options, but believe me, they are not easy to be accomplished otherwise we would have accomplished it already.

Yes, we WILL continue to find ways to exchange, for we know that in the end, after using SPURT several times within the system, there might be a need for other currency, but only after using our SPURT, which gives it value by itself.

For Ecuador and Zimbabwe counts, that while people are using SPURT, the governments gets interested, which would be the best solutions for those countries. We can work with the governments and provide opportunities for them, which creates exchange after using the system at least seven times.

We need to change our perception from SPURT has only value when it is exchanged, into it has immense value now already. We need to touch the Jaguar.

"Through collaboration we “rewire” ourselves and bring new energy into our lives. Collaboration, as Lynne Twist, from "The Soul of Money" suggests, generates sufficiency. In turn, sufficiency introduces a whole new vocabulary, one of “gratitude, fulfillment, love, trust, respect, contributing, faith, compassion, integration, wholeness, commitment, acceptance, partnership, responsibility, resilience, and inner riches.”


Although the Marketplace in the system is available, we will focus more on the SPURT-SHOP website. The problem is that people working with SPURT now, cannot afford to pay for data to go online to offer their products or look for products. That is one of the reasons we did not make it a priority. To that came that all who offered to make such a website did not keep their promise.
Because of the lack of data, we work a lot with WhatsApp and we offer lists with products inside the group requesting that information in Zimbabwe.

We would LOVE to have some funds, for those people are working so hard and need to pay their own data for all Mindset classes and all the administration needed to pay each months more than 50.000 people for their work. If you feel called, then do not hesitate to connect to us.


We are so proud of most of the people in Zimbabwe, South Africa and Ecuador, who sacrifice all they have and are inspiring others to grow their lives. The best part of all this, is for Zimbabwe, the Mindset lessons we provide. People can change from being a victim to being a hero. We want that for ALL our clients, because, when you think you need something else as SPURT, you see yourself as a victim.

We see people dancing, enjoying themselves, while working hard. They are touching their jaguar!

Dare we touch our own jaguar? Can we touch our fear to start to USE SPURT?

I hope we can!



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