Rethinking Money, Rethinking SPURT

In his book, Rethinking Money, New currencies turn scarcity into prosperity,  by Bernard Lietaer and Jacqui Dunne, the authors are showing that there are more than 4000 Complementary currencies in the world, that is, those he knows. They are showing that cities in Brazil, Belgium, the USA, to name a few, using several complementary currencies, for example, in Denver, are of immense help for the community. You see it also with the Timebank, with hundreds of Timebanks all over the world.
The fact that a currency is staying in the community, instead of leaving the community to big cities or online buying, is the main value. The circulation of the currency is making the value of the currency for the community.
This book is a must-read for all who want to use SPURT to make their community a better place, perhaps even combined with the SPURT-Timebank.
Why are we coming back to the USE of SPURT, instead of just cashing out? Because the USE of SPURT gives the value to SPURT, even in the Crypto world.

Rethinking SPURT

As you might have seen, getting value for SPURT is not so easy. That is the reason for the delay until now. We do not want to give you Crypto when it has no value. We want SPURT to be known first and accepted by people who want to buy it. You cannot sell anything if you do not have a buyer. That is why there are sell-outs, the people do not want to buy it anymore for the normal price and it is offered cheap.
But we want the value of SPURT to be what you expected.

Why are so many Crypto’s failing? Because there is not enough action in the Crypto. Why would any investor want to invest in a crypto that is not showing any value? You buy Nike shoes because you see them everywhere. Many people buy them. That is why they can be expensive too.
There is another reason for the delay. There are such high amounts offered to sell, in SPURT, that it will be hard to find buyers unless we can give it value. The high amounts in SPURT are causing the problem. We need to give it value.

How can we give it value? Amongst others by USING it. Suppose you can get your city, village, church, area to use SPURT to solve the downhill ride of the area or the city. What if you can get the people to offer a service and get paid in SPURT, and you offer another service also for SPURT. Do not tell me that is not possible, for it IS possible. Thousands of cities and areas blossom that way. Please read the book and all the examples in it. You will be as excited as we are. Besides that, this a book showing why the world is in the position it is in now. Very interesting.

We will promote the use of SPURT in Zimbabwe much more and, in the meantime, we are working on other areas of the world (very promising), all with the same idea: when people start to work for the community or set up a business for themselves, they can earn SPURT. Then they start to trade with each other using SPURT as their measure of value.

In Zimbabwe we use the above book, to find the best examples out of this book and use SPURT instead of hoarding it. We created a group focusing on what the best use of SPURT is in their country. What can you do for YOUR country? If you are supporting another country, bring SPURT there too!
The book is great also to show you the value of what you have in SPURT.

Cash is the ONLY important things for many of you

We are aware that many of our clients want to see cash for their SPURT. We are telling you now, that the value of SPURT is determined by your actions in SPURT. By your actions! That means that even if we provide Crypto, the actions in Crypto will determine whether or not you will have value. We have a marketing campaign ready to start, but before they can start, we need to be sure that all of you are willing to DO something with your SPURTCrypto. When you just want to have an exchange, it will not happen, or in a very slow tempo and with low amounts.
So, what do we suggest? We suggest that you all start to buy SPURT Crypto as soon as we launch it, for which we will give the starting sign soon. To get you going, we will ask you to buy, for example, for $10 in Crypto SPURT to be able to exchange 1000 SPURT for USD, or the currency of your choice. You can do that following the links we will show you in our next newsletter. Then we will see what the market is deciding, for we do not want you to sell it below value.

Then, when you have the USD 1000, or any other currency of your choice, you can buy 10x10 SPURT to offer 10.000 USD for sale and so on. Would that bring ACTION in the Crypto world? For sure it will show action (that is why we say 10x10, ten actions vs one from 100). It will show the big investors that there is something they also might want to buy. Remember, for each SPURT you want to sell, a buyer is required. Why would they be interested if we, ourselves, are not even interested? Then there needs to be action with the SPURT in Crypto. Who can you pay with those SPURT Crypto?
But when you think, I will not do that, well, then there is a problem, for when there is no VALUE to SPURT, there will not be buyers. That is what happened to SPU+. It has no value.

When we speak about SPURT+, we guarantee that you can use those SPURT to get the Crypto SPURT. In the next newsletter we will show you how you can do that.

Back to the book.

Make as many people around you love SPURT, by starting one of the examples given in the book, Rethinking Money. We will also tell you what the best option for Zimbabwe is, perhaps you want to adopt it for your city or for in the country you live in. Remember, the more ACTION, the higher the VALUE of SPURT for your exchange.

When you have SPURTCrypto, you can also make transactions there. The more transactions, the higher the value will be.

You might have thought, “what are we waiting for”. Well, we can assure you that we work every day, every hour of that day to get things going. We face one problem after the other, and it would be easy for us just to stop. But we cannot do that, because there are so many grateful, wonderful people, LOVING SPURT, that we WILL continue, till those hardworking people can USE SPURT and in the end exchange the part they need to exchange, to buy things they cannot buy with SPURT. That will be after recycling SPURT several times. THAT is what SPURT is for. It is for doing BUSINESS with it. Remember, many of our more fortunate clients got their capital in the first place because they signed that they would bring 4x the value they received! All of you seem to have forgotten that part.

Doing business is also one of the requirements for new SPURT accounts. There NEED to be active, otherwise you will lose value on your account. We will speak about that in another Newsletter.
If you want to start using the examples in the book Rethinking money, but people you work with cannot afford the $50 for opening an account, you can convince us that you need free accounts if you show us what you are doing. We love to assist you.

So, if you want VALUE, you will need to take action, preferably by USING SPURT. We will instruct in a new Newsletter how you can take action with buying SPURT Crypto for a value of 10$ (using Ethereum) to be able to be in line for exchange of 1000 SPURT. Remember, these 10$ is NOT paid to us. It is paid to buy SPURTCrypto, which you will have in your own crypto account.

Another wonderful book

Another wonderful book is Ch@nging Money, from the Social Trade Organization. Rethinking Money is dedicating a whole chapter on this amazing organization, who developed Cyclos we use, for all the parts in the world they work with.

Are you ready for the kickoff?

Fresh from the press!

We now have SPURTCrypto!

This is great news for now we can start educating you on how you can buy SPURTCrypto to get things moving. We will inform you as soon as we can on steps YOU can take!

Perhaps you still think that Crypto is the ONLY possibility to get value for your SPURT. That is for sure not true. We are working at the same time on other options, for which we see, for sure, the end of the tunnel. We will keep you posted.

Kind Regards


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