Love is letting go of fear*

The biggest virus many of us now feel in our body is fear. Fear is the best method to undermine your immune system and get a dis-ease.

We were asked several times to write a newsletter in connection to the Corona Virus. We do not see a connection, besides that we all might be even more interested in the possibility to USE SPURT for our health.

For many of us SPURT is in our minds only valuable in an exchanged form. As we started our journey towards a better life, more money, we did not realize that we indeed received abundance, but that the form in which we became it is not what we expected. That is because we are never satisfied with what we have.

We might be wealthy and do not see it. It is like we are locked down.

I see a parallel there with the Corona virus. We are healthy, most of us, but we fear the virus. It is paralyzing us. It is literally locking us down, at least where I live.

The good thing is, that we have more time to care for ourselves and our minds, and the people around us. Suddenly we use our mobiles to organize groups who can help older people with their groceries, while they have to stay at home, (in our own city), instead of chatting with someone at the other end of the world. 

A singer, not allowed to sing for a full stadium, is now singing outside, in front of an elderly home! Children decided to draw pictures for the elderly people, so that they have something they can enjoy, while their grandchildren are not allowed to visit them.

The millions of flowers “lost” in the biggest flower market of the world, are partially send to elderly homes and other places to cheer up the people. And let us not forget the immense love all people have and express who are actually taking care of all the people who are infected.

This shows that besides fear, there is also a lot of love expressed. People in Italy are singing from their windows and fill the city with songs. People might be physically locked down, but their minds are not. What can WE do with SPURT in our own community?

We advise you to follow the instructions of your government on your health, and… wash your hands.
We would want to hear each day, how many people are HEALED!! Why is not THAT in the news?

We are happy that SPURT is an online opportunity and that we can continue to work hard on growing (we now have 80.000 clients!!! ) and giving value! We need your support in your mind!

Let us look around us and turn ourselves to expressing love instead of fear. Fear and Love cannot co-exist.

*That is the title of a book by Dr. G Jampolsky


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