Faith and SPURT

Revised 2019-11-25
In his book, Rethinking Money: How New Currencies Turn Scarcity into Prosperity, Bernard Lietaer is showing the value of Complementary Money. There are, he writes, more than 4000 Currencies, locally used, to boost communities. It is a valuable book to understand what also SPURT can mean for your community, especially when you use it in combination with the Timebank.

We know that most of our clients in the Western World are interested in only one thing, and that is exchange into their own fiat currency. For that to happen, we need to work with others, like people who can connect us to the blockchain system. As we told in the last Newsletter, we are connecting to those people. Yes, it takes much longer as we hoped.
Perhaps all comes down to FAITH. Can they believe that we will do all we can to support them? Do we have faith that they keep their promises? Do we have faith in other parties working hard to get exchange possibilities, for you know we are not only depending on Cryptocurrencies?
We are aware that you do not know what is happening in the background, and you have to trust that we are working on all these possibilities with very devoted people. Those devoted people convince us that we will succeed in our wish to make the world a better place, simply because it is their wish too. Those devoted people give us the power to overcome disappointments when promises are not kept. Those devoted people give us faith and power to go on.
But we ask all of you to have that faith too, for then it gives us power.

People in Zimbabwe give us power.

They organized a huge Trade fair where 1300 came to buy and sell with SPURT. We cannot say how much we admire those people who do all with SPURT!

In the meantime, we met people from Ecuador with the same willingness to build their country! We will NOT let any of them down.

What is MegaSPURT, SPURT, and SPURT Digital?

This is a question we get regularly.

ALL variations of SPURT is SPURT. The ONLY reason they have different names is the function they have. MegaSPURT is created to make it possible to have high amounts in your account. We see it as your Private Facility.

MegaSPURT is free to use if you provide a proper, valuable contract. Why is the contract needed? Because we need to protect the value of SPURT. This is OUR Rule. It is not possible to use MegaSPURT without a contract (reason), just as you would not be able to use your USD if your money would be in the Private Banking department of your bank (which is mostly with bank accounts with a value over 50.000$).

SPURT is still SPURT.

It is still the same SPURT, with a maximum of 2 Million in this account. Clients requested their SPURT to be placed in Ethereum. Those clients are now in the GROUP "SPURT ready for Ethereum". If you are in that group your SPURT can be more than 2 Million, for this group is waiting to be connected to Ethereum.
 In the last Newsletter we told you that we changed the name SPURT into SPURTCrypto, but we had to correct it back, because there is someone, NOT MySPURT, who is using the name SPURTCrypto in Ethereum.
SPURT in this group is NOT yet SPURT in Blockchain (Metamask). It is showing the amount you CAN maximum have in SPURT in Ethereum, as soon as we can start. ONLY those accounts ready to be placed in blockchain (SPURT). There are many accounts we still have to transfer to this group, which are mainly accounts below 25 Million.

You will see, when your account is in the group SPURT ready for Ethereum, that the balance reflects the amount available for you in SPURT/ETH. It reflects the total amount on your balance or the total amount available for you in SPURTin Ethereum. You are free to transfer from this account to other accounts, understanding that it lessens the amount you will have in SPURT in Blockchain. You cannot supply the spent amount with your other SPURT, for now someone ELSE has the amount available for you. You need to send an email with a request to transfer because in the system, it is still combined with SPU. But all people with an account in the GROUP SPURTCrypto SPU are free to transfer. (Please ask help from Admin.)

All SPURT is Digital Currency.

We now have to separate SPURT in your MySPURT account from the SPURT ready to go to blockchain and decided to call it, SPUD, which is SPURT Digital. It has the same values as SPU and the same rules. You can have only maximum TWO Million SPUD in your account since this amount is backed. All other SPURT will be in the private facility MegaSPURT, (which is backed in another manner). You are free to transfer SPUD, but, because of the restriction for a requirement of contracts for MegaSPURT, you can only use the 2 Million on your account. If you want, for any reason, MegaSPURT transferred to your SPUD account, you have to show for what you want to use your SPURT. Again, this is to protect the value of SPURT, meaning that we need to avoid that people transfer, for example, 100.000 for the value of 1 USD. For amounts below 2 Million, there will seldom be problems, and only if it is a repeated request, we need to know how you for what you want to use it.


Some people cannot understand why they cannot transfer freely. One of the reasons is the system. You cannot transfer MegaSPURT to any of the SPURT directly, but the most important reason is that we know that without a contract, the value is not kept. We showed that we will transfer any valid contract immediately when the account of the beneficiary and the account of the sender is mentioned in the contract. Some people say the contract I have is private, and I cannot disclose it. Ask any bank if you can just transfer millions without disclosure. If you cannot disclose, we must assume that your intentions are not honest. Therefore, we cannot transfer your SPURT to another account. We are sure all of you agree, shown by all who send us contracts and get transfers immediately.

We hope and have faith that all who agree to work with us on exchange will keep their promises.
Kind Regards
MySPURT team.


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