Having hope propels us to achieve our dreams and drives us forward toward our pursuits. It also keeps us afloat when everything seems to go wrong when we feel that we're drowning. Hope is the light at the end of the tunnel, the northern star by which we navigate our lives through trials and difficulties towards our dreams of a better day. When we lose hope, we are like a rudderless ship being tossed about without direction. Having and finding hope, then, is essential for keeping our dreams upright and continuing to sail in the direction of their attainment.  Source

Hello MySPURT clients
Today it is time to connect to you again. It is not easy to connect to you for we do not have the information you want to hear.

We had, in the past weeks, two times people who wanted to “help” us to get SPURT exchanged. In both cases, they send us unacceptable conditions without any guarantees of the outcome. You might understand that we cannot sign such documents.

But it is not so that we do have given up hope. There are some very interesting developments in other fields, and we want all of you not to lose hope!

When we look at Zimbabwe, we see what Sound Prosperity and SPURT can do for people even if there is no exchange. The country is changing! People build schools, dams, bridges! They grow vegetables and poultry and animals for food.
The cyclone in the northeast part of the country is devastating, and it was touching to see that those people, who have nothing, were spending for that part of the country. You can bed that our biggest wish would be to be able to help out there.

We admire the people in Zimbabwe, who do believe in SPURT and Sound Prosperity and changed their lives because of that. I am sure that if all clients would do the same, SPURT would already be exchangeable, for the acceptance would be high.

We have huge projects in Peru, already starting, who also back up SPURT.

We will NOT let you down, simply because we CANNOT give up!

Please see this Ted Talk Sanjiv Chopra on Happiness and living with Purpose 

Sanjiv is also speaking about us, who will have more money available. Please be happy!!

Stay with us, please.


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