The Power of Unreasonable People

MySPURT Newsletter 
Hello dear friends
Did you read the book, “The Power of Unreasonable People", by John Elkington and Pamela Hartigan? As I was thinking on what to write to you, I realized that what we are doing is something other people might not even realize.

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world;
the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”
George Bernard Shaw

Some of the people we work with are called crazy. They are said to be dreamers. They are working many years already with a minimum of income. Their whole families “suffer” because they have the drive to be unreasonable, to NOT adapt to the world. They want to change our world. They do not want to adapt to the debt pitfall. They do not believe that it is okay when only a few people can earn a lot of money. They are using the system we live in and want to turn it into profit for all of us.

Is that easy? No, for sure not. Disrupting existing value chains is never easy. But they find each other. Is that not interesting? How is it possible to find each other all over the world, when not supported by something far bigger then we understand?
We as SPURT are not alone. Yes, the daily work is done by a small team, but that team in itself cannot reach our goals. Since a few weeks, we now have help from a few new unreasonable people!

What IS our goal?

The goal is to show that the Universe IS abundant, expanding daily. WHY I asked myself, is there abundance everywhere in nature, and why do we, people, not experience that?
Did you ever see a picture of Lania Kea, where our Milkey Way is a very small spot in the universe as we know it? Why is the grass always growing? Is there ANY tree saying, this year I only let the left part of my branches grow leaves?

So, we want to SHOW and FEEL and EXPERIENCE abundance for all people! And what do we have? Many of us have abundant SPURT! And for many of us, that means that they made with those SPURT millions of USD now!

Is it the same as with love? The more you show that you have it, the more you experience it? The more you SEE the value, the more you experience it?
So, yes, there is ABUNDANT SPURT in this world, and we keep saying, this is not what we need. We need something ELSE.

The unreasonable people do not adjust to: “You live your life as you experience it, depending on where you live, depending on who your parents are, depending on in which country you are born.” Unreasonable people have a DREAM. They do not listen to reason, saying: “Come on, you worked so hard for so many years and see what came out of this. We are all still waiting!” Take a JOB and start earning for our daily life!

Unreasonable people do not listen to that reason. They go on! They have ONE drive, to prove that it IS possible to change the world of many, many people.
Let me tell about some of the unreasonable people we know. Look at Gandhi, who changed the world by his goats and spinning wheels and walking in peace. Mr. Merchai Viravaidya (popularly known in Thailand as Mr. Condom) challenged the poverty of his country by tackling overpopulation, the root cause of poverty in his country and so many other countries. His approach dropped the average number of children per family from seven to fewer than two.

Who are the unreasonable or extraordinary people we have around us to make SPURT a success?

It is the people behind organizations like SSIC, UMSIMP, NVC, THI, FTAM, SPZF, LRG, RVH, AMS, who are connecting SPURT to the whole world. People who are organizing that all NGO’s can profit from SPURT and provide SPURT jobs worldwide, first in Africa. They all believe in SPURT. They never doubted the value. The best example for me is the Zimbabweans. It is interesting to see that in Zimbabwe the miracle happened that twenty-five thousand people’s lives changed NOW! I sometimes think that this experience was needed to prove that exchange is not necessary to change your way of life. If an exchange had been possible, we would not have this proof. All would have gone for exchange, and none would have seen what can change without exchange. These are all unreasonable people, for they could have thought, I am poor and will stay poor UNLESS the government changes.

Unreasonable is the small SPURT staff, working hard to pay all these people and themselves in SPURT on a monthly basis.

Unreasonable is what we try to accomplish here.

We want to change the lives of millions of people. We will start paying all volunteers. We will start organizing support in the communities by encouraging people to DO things for the other and use the spend time by requesting to do things in return. As an example see this video  Understand that you can use the earned time to get SPURT for it (we will provide more information soon). Use Christmas time to start talking to your family, your church, your community on how you can set this up in YOUR community so you can profit as soon as we start.

We are GRATEFUL for the unreasonable people behind us

They are doing GREAT work and ARE changing the world right now, ALSO if the reasonable people do not see it like that.

Is it unreasonable to dream and work hard, for years, for a better world? Is it unreasonable to continue to believe in this even if things might not go the way we want?
Is it unreasonable to not be disappointed when promises people made to us are not kept or do we see that this is the way it goes when you want to do unreasonable things, like changing access to money for many people, now in debt? Is it unreasonable to think of “social entrepreneurship” as the authors of the book call it?

Interesting is that the foreword is written by Klaus Schwab, a very well known person here in the place where I live, for he is organizing one of the world-famous World Economic Forums in the World right here in Davos. In the 1970s his eyes were opened by Muhammad Yunus, proving that poor women are creditworthy, yet the world took more than thirty years to recognize the value of micro-credit fully. “How many more 'unreasonable' people like Yunus are out there,” he wondered?
Thirty years for micro-credit was known and accepted. So we have still time to complete our work.

Are you with us?
Are you willing to give us more time?
Are you willing to still believe in us?
We hope you do.
We hope you will stay with us and work with us and believe in us because unreasonable people don’t give up!

Thank you, all our friends, who tirelessly work in the background to get SPURT out worldwide on a very high level.

We will not only use Crypto. We will be able to use every option we can get to change the world.
If you decided to close your account and sell all your SPURT for SPU in Ethereum, Option 2 in the Newsletter, it is fine. It is your choice, but… we waited to give you time to think about it and, if needed, change your mind.
We will not do anything with your SPURT until the next year. Remember, it is YOUR SPURT! Be reasonable, or… not.

We will also prepare, before Christmas, a Sound Prosperity Newsletter (, please subscribe.) In there we will show more about what is going on in the background and how our social coin will change the world.

We thank you all for being with us.
We thank you all for your patience and trust that we WILL make it, although you might have hoped for other news at this moment.
Let us make clear that things are going VERY well in the background! We KNOW that you all want to hear only ONE thing, a DATE where SPURT is exchangeable. We don’t have that date, but we have unreasonable people working every day of the week to get that date.

Merry Christmas to all of you and a very Happy New Year!

Irene and MySPURT team.


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