The INTENTION of creating SPURT

Newsletter September 29, 2017

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort,
intelligent direction and skillful execution;
it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”
-William A. Foster

Did you ever think of why SPURT was created?

With everything that is created there needs to be an intention. Your intention is the cause and what you see in the outside world is the effect of this intention.

The intention of creating SPURT was the strong conviction that there is abundance in nature, in creation. WHY are people not experiencing abundance in their daily life. They can see it in nature, the grass is growing and the tree never suddenly thinks, this year I will have 20% fewer leaves. 

Why do we experience lack? Why have so many people, more and more people, a difficult life?

If there is abundance everywhere, even in our financial world, why don’t you and I not experience that?

This thought was for the people behind SPURT the intention to work on abundance for all. It is STILL our intention.

We don’t know what the intention was from people that joint us in the beginning. We don’t know what the intention was from the people that provided the first funds on which for many of you build their capital in SPURT. Understand that we ONLY accepted those funds and are NOT responsible for ANYTHING related to any PAYMENT, or any promise. We did not receive any of those funds and we did not make any promise, besides that we are there for you and keep going!

But for SPURT the intention is to make it possible that all people with a MySPURT account can have a better life. A life of comfort. A life without financial stress.

We truly believe that this intention WILL be honored, because that is how creation is working. You will weep what you have sowed.

We are happy with the many MySPURT clients who SHARE our intention! They are fully behind SPURT and are working to get SPURT accepted in the world. One example is Peru, where we signed a contract that one province will start using SPURT in business. Mexico is also a place where many SPURT clients are doing huge business deals. In Zimbabwe SPURT is greatly accepted as payment for work, but they do not seem to get the curve to also pay each other with SPURT. They seem to wait for an exchange, which will cause that SPURT will not be accepted at the work floor at all, which is NOT our intention.

We are convinced that the MORE people share our intention that people joining SPURT WILL have a better life, the quicker that life will be there for those people. We face on the other hand a lot of individuals who do NOT believe in SPURT and even tell lies about SPURT. That is causing, in our eyes, the delay in the results.

We are calling to all of you to support our intentions! Again, our intentions are to provide all clients a comfortable life and the possibility to start a business to make life better for other MySPURT clients.

Are you supporting our intentions?  If so, please let us know by email that you share our intentions so that a power of supportive thoughts is created.

Test for exchange

You know that tests for the first exchanges are set for the end of September, NOW. We HAVE to support the people who do that in our thoughts! And as soon as the results are so that the first light is coming up, we will inform you. Please realize that the first tests will not say that they are done correctly and that money is available for all. But when the tests went well, that is the light at the end of the tunnel. In the meantime, others are also working hard on exchange possibilities. We know that not ALL can do this.

Be there with us with your positive thoughts!

Kind Regards

Irene and the MySPURT Team


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