Faith and SPURT
Revised 2019-11-25 In his book, Rethinking Money: How New Currencies Turn Scarcity into Prosperity , Bernard Lietaer is showing the value of Complementary Money. There are, he writes, more than 4000 Currencies, locally used, to boost communities. It is a valuable book to understand what also SPURT can mean for your community, especially when you use it in combination with the Timebank . We know that most of our clients in the Western World are interested in only one thing, and that is exchange into their own fiat currency. For that to happen, we need to work with others, like people who can connect us to the blockchain system. As we told in the last Newsletter, we are connecting to those people. Yes, it takes much longer as we hoped. Perhaps all comes down to FAITH. Can they believe that we will do all we can to support them? Do we have faith that they keep their promises? Do we have faith in other parties working hard to get exchange possibilities, for you know we are not only dep...